plan gallery custom design about us copyrights design fees requirements glossary estimates contact us
All of our home designs are created by a talented architect and most are extremely complex and complicated. We do highly recommend that you acquire the services of a reputable and very experienced builder or general contractor to construct your residence. A good professional contractor will be able to give you an estimate of the cost of your construction project in your area and guide you through the building process. The cost of many of the elements of your home construction are determined by choices that you the owner will make. These elements can greatly influence the total cost of construction and are usually handled by giving the owner an "allowance" for each element based on average cost of said element.
You are guaranteed to receive quality blueprints that are professionally designed and detailed if you select to purchase the enhanced set of construction documents. We create each house plan set to meet nationally recognized building codes. Because of regional
variations, heating and plumbing details are not included. These details can be obtained from your building contractor. Our plan packages will include electrical and lighting layouts along with outlet and switching locations and wiring diagrams for switching and lighting layouts provided.
Basic custom residential design plan packages includes:
Basic plan packages rely on the builder and
owner to fill in the detail information of cabinetry,
built-ins, and other similar elements of the design.
Detailing in the basis plan set is minimal and is
dependant on the builder's expertise and construction
experience to build your project.
Foundation Plan- includes concrete slab with details, or crawl space, or other foundation drawings, depending on the
design of the house.
Detailed Floor Plans- includes the placement of interior walls, room dimensions, doors, windows, fireplace and
stairway location (if applicable).
Exterior Elevations- includes the front, rear and sides of the house with detailed measurements and exterior material
Cross Sections- includes cross section through the house. Quantity of sections vary depending on complexity of the design
and the for clarification of the spaces.
Framing Plans- includes rafter framing, flooring framing, dormer, gable or other required structural framing. May include some
detail if necessary for structural clarification.
Electrical Plans-includes suggested lighting layout design, switching wiring diagrams, switch locations, outlet locations,
electrical requirements for mechanical systems, and suggested meter and panel location.
Enhanced custom residential design plan packages includes:
Enhanced plan packages no not rely on the builder and
owner to fill in the detail information of cabinetry, built-ins,
and other similar elements of the design. This information
will be included in the Enhanced packages. Some structural
detailing is also included in the Enhanced package.Site Plan - includes a plan of the property and the location and orientation of the house on the site.
Foundation Plan - includes concrete slab with details, or crawl space, or other foundation drawings, depending on the
design of the house.
Detailed Floor Plans - includes the placement of interior walls, room dimensions, doors, windows, fireplace and
stairway location (if applicable).
Exterior Elevations - includes the front, rear and sides of the house with detailed measurements and exterior material
Cross Sections - includes cross section through the house. Quantity of sections vary depending on complexity of the design
and the need for clarification of the spaces.
Framing Plans - includes rafter framing, flooring framing, dormer, gable or other required structural framing. May include some
details if necessary for structural clarification.
Electrical Plans - includes suggested lighting layout design, switching wiring diagrams, switch locations, outlet locations, electrical requirements for mechanical systems, and suggested meter and panel location.
Interior Elevation - includes elevations of interior walls and built-ins. These are walls and features that might not be standard and need further definition and clarification.
Design Detailing Sheets - includes details of all fireplaces, built-in units, unusual elements, and other interior features and architectural features that will require further clarification for construction by contractors.
Cabinet and Millwork Plans - includes cabinet work and millwork plans and elevations including dimensions when included in the design and requested.
Cabinet and Millwork Detailing - includes cabinet work sections and detailing and millwork detailing when included in the design and requested.
Landscape Plan - includes a plan of the property and the location and orientation of the house on the site. This plan would include walks, drives, pools, or other water features, out structures, trees, planting, and any other features required of the design project.
Landscaping is an optional element of the Enhanced plan package and there is an additional fee for this service.
plan gallery custom design about us copyrights design fees requirements glossary estimates contact us
offer a variety of additional services such as:
Custom Residential Design- This service is available to meet your individual requirements.
We can discuss the details and specifics of this service with you by telephone.
Landscaping Planning- This service is available to meet your individual requirements.
We can discuss the details and specifics of this service with you by telephone.
Basement Foundation- This basement foundation is available for an additional hourly fee.
Reading Reverse Plans- There is an additional charge for a mirror reverse plan in which
the writing is backward.
Specifications- includes recommendations for materials and equipment such as structural
specifications, masonry work, concrete work, wood specifications, excavating and grading,
drywall, flooring, caulking, glazing and sealants.
Cabinet Details- details of all cabinets, fireplaces, built-in units and other interior features
can be created within a few weeks.
Consultations- Some clients prefer to be the general contractor on the construction of their
home. This can be a challenge
undertaking for the beginner. We can help advise the novice through this process. Hourly
fees apply.Please take Note
It is your responsibility to make sure you are
satisfied with the final design of your plans.
You must determine the available dimensions
of your property on which you can legally build.
It is your responsibility to determine if the
design will work for your site. Should you need
help, please consult with us for assistance or
with your builder or contractor to make the